Fun with Herbs n’Words

I came across a darling pamphlet last fall and it was filled with poems and other wordsmithing about herbs. I wanted to share a few with you and talk about what they mean. If you want to get the pamphlet visit or email Here are a few of my favorites that were in…

Your Diet is Causing Inflammation, Part 3

So many ingredients in the SAD diet cause inflammation. But it is the preservatives, colorings, and flavorings that we really don’t know what they are doing in the body. They are just not well studied. For instance, did you know that arnica is an approved flavoring agent by the FDA?!?! If you don’t know why…

Your Diet is Causing Inflammation, Part 2

Have you removed the animal products that are causing you inflammation? How about other oils? Rancid Oils This is a huge issue in the United States. Other countries think Americans are stupid and don’t know better. We don’t. They send us all their terrible quality oils and keep the good stuff among themselves. Not only…

New Blog Schedule and Patron BONUS

Thank you all for following my blog so diligently over the past few years. I have been glad to offer you posts at least twice a week, sometimes three during our special events. To continue the growth The Dancing Herbalist, I am now shifting over to Patreon. There will continue to be blogs posted on…

Your Diet is Causing Inflammation, Part 1

Yep, probably. It is. I know some days mine does. Do you have a standard American diet? Oh? You haven’t heard of the SAD diet? Then yes, you probably are eating something that is causing you inflammation. If you have heard of it you are probably more aware of what you are putting into your…